Hidden Spheres talks about new EP ‘Hold on Me’, his label Fruit Merchant and music creation


An interview with the Insider. Photo features Private Joy (Left) & Hidden Spheres (Right)

Hidden Spheres has really been turning up the pressure over the last couple of years with a steady flow of incredible music landing via his own label Fruit Merchant. Having and already stacked discography via some of the finest underground labels out there including Rhythm section International, Dirt Crew and Kitsuné it’s no wonder he has been receiving love from all over the globe. His ever growing following has seen him in huge demand as a DJ and we were lucky enough to get a quick chat with him during his recent US tour which saw him touch all corners of the states last month.

Tom the man behind Hidden Sphere’s talked about his career, label moves, his own label Fruit Merchant and of course his new EP which you can grab on vinyl HERE

Thanks for taking the time to talk Tom.

Where are you at the minute and how are you spending the rest of the day?

Currently in Palm Springs, relaxing mid tour before a busy weekend of shows.

Tell us what are you doing across the next month?

I’m on tour in north America until June, then home to rest and get back in the studio. Before heading out on the road again in September.

Where are you from and where do you call home these days?

The midlands, Manchester

What do you love most about where you live? What keeps you where you are today?

It’s a small, big city with strong ties to music and great people.

How long have you been making music? What was your first step as a musician?

Since my early teens, on getting a guitar for my birthday.

What came first Djing or production?


What kind of artists, DJs, genres were you into growing up?

Rock, Punk, Hip Hop then Dance came later thanks to Daft Punk homework.

Is there an album that sticks in your mind from when you were a kid?

Lamb – Lamb

First record you bought.

Smurfs go pop.

Where were you first DJ gigs, what kind of stuff were you playing?

In Bars around Manchester. Playing a lot of disco and House.

Who were the other DJs who were coming up around you the same time?

In Manchester – Contours , Ruf Dug, Finn, Tom Boogism, Wet Play Red Laser.

What turned you on to producing?

Wanting to record my teenage punk band.

What were you making your first beats on?

Sony Acid

‘The Bloos’ on Moods n Grooves – was this your first release?


How did you get it signed to Moods n Grooves initially?

I just reached out with some demos, then I Skyped with Mike and that was that.

How did ‘Waiting’ get to be so big do you think? Why do think that record got so much hype?

No idea, very grateful for it though. People have told me some beautiful things that have happened whilst listening to that track or how it makes them feel.

How did you first meet Bradley Zero?

Think we first met DJing somewhere together, but we had spoken over email before that.

When you made ‘Well Well’ did you produce it with the label in mind?

No, but I was definitely a fan of the label and wanted to release on it.

Fruit Merchant started out as a radio show. What was the inspo for the name?

It’s the name of a building that my studio was in for a short time.

Are you still doing radio at all? Do you enjoy the process of the radio show?

Not at the moment, but yes, I enjoyed it a lot.

There are so many stations and so many folks doing radio currently – do you think there is a saturation in anyway or do you feel there’s plenty of quality shows around?

Theres at least something for everyone out there. I don’t listen to much radio so can’t comment on a lot of them. But I think people are attracted to the fact they aren’t polished highly produced things. It’s more like a mate playing you tunes at an after party and telling you why they love them. More authentic I suppose.

What is your station of choice and why do you like it?

I tend to stick on the infinite mixtapes on NTS if I don’t know what to listen to. I rarely listen to any radio shows though.

When did the label first begin?

It began with my own release ‘wonders of the rainforest’. I wanted some control over what can be, quite a bad industry.

Are you working with any other artist to release on the label soon?

I am focusing on my own material at the minute.

Tell us a little about your track on CC:Disco’s comp and its tropical vibe.

I think I wrote this to be part of wonders of the rainforest hence the tropical vibe but didn’t make it in for some reason.

Who do you think is making great music at the minute?

So many people, the quality of music is incredible right now. Really loving Allysha Joy and Finn Rees new records.

What’s the most recent record you purchased?

An old Ron Allen 12’’ from Signal Records Chicago

Talk to us about the new EP – Hold On Me. Is there a story within?

The meaning is all in Private Joys lyrics she provides the meaning. She said it’s a track about being totally under someone’s spell despite the relationship starting to turn and show its true colours.

What are you most proud of with this release?

It’s always that first spin in a club and then if people come up to you and ask for the ID, that’s a good feeling.

What was the most challenging part of bringing the release together?

Navigating digital/physical distribution

Tell us about Private Joy on the track, and how you got together?

We know each other from the local scene and are mutual fans of each other’s work. I just sent her a few demos to choose from and the two she decided on became Hold On Me

What drives you to create music Tom?

It’s one of the rare times my mind focuses on one thing, and when it’s going good, hours pass without me realising. The feeling of something coming from nothing is so bizarre still.

What has been one of your favourite moments from the past year?

Looking out across the sea to the Bali from a sun lounger with my partner on Penida Island. Calm, peaceful, happy, lucky.

Where do you find the most inspiration when it comes to discovering new music?

Record shops mostly and live performance too.

What can we hope to see next from Hidden Spheres?

A collaborative full length album

Tell us something we might never know about you?

I worked at MUFCTV for a week.

Thanks for speaking to Le Visiteur Tom

For more info on Hidden Sphere and Private Joy please check:

Hidden Spheres Facebook
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Hidden Spheres Twitter/X

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