Sillyboy’s Ghost Relatives – Five top tips for being successful in the music industry, coming from a small place.


Sillyboy’s Ghost Relatives – Five top tips for being successful in the music industry, coming from a small place.

Out now on the excellent Claremont 56 label Greek band Sillyboy’s Ghost Relatives latest release is stunning slice of Balearic rock. Label boss Paul ‘Mudd’ Murphy has gone to work on one of the band’s previously unreleased tracks In A Small Place creating something very special indeed. The track is a beautifully imagined discussion of the claustrophobic nature of living in a small town.

Rattling Floyd-esque guitar stabs stand atop a bluesy bass-line as bubbling synths and rhythm guitar lines drive the track on. The vocal is mesmerising, this is a track by a band at the peak of it’s musical output.

We spoke to the band who gave us their 5 tips on how to succeed coming from a small town and they also gave us a brilliant list of 5 inspiring tracks featuring music from John Martyn, Gerry Rafferty and The Beatles.

You can grab the tracks from Traxsource HERE

Five top tips for being successful in the music industry, coming from a small place.

1) Travel the globe and talk to people.

2) Work every single day. Talent was never enough.

3) Be your favorite listener.

4) Use rejection as your biggest force.

5) Keep in mind that great things can bloom from small places.

Sillyboy’s Ghost Relatives 5 Inspirational Tracks

“Solid Air” by John Martyn

No other song could describe better the rawest and deepest thoughts of a mans mind.

“Be Thou By My Side” by Honeybus

Recently a very close friend of mine told me that this is probably the best love song he ever heard. I totally agree.

“Right Down The Line” by Gerry Rafferty

Smoothest guitar playing and exceptional melody line never get tired of listening to this song.

“A Day In The Life” by The Beatles

Always found modern music history in that song.

“Cowboys And Angels” by George Michael

Stunning piece of music.

For more info on Claremont 56 and Sillyboy’s Ghost Relatives check:

Claremont 56 Facebook:
Claremont 56 Soundcloud:
Sillyboy’s Ghost Relatives Facebook:
