LV Premier – Iner – Otaku Heart [Mango Sounds]
LV Premier – Iner – Otaku Heart [Mango Sounds]
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Iner is an artist who has been popping up all over our radar over the last few months with a frentic release schedule of his own and via his fledgling vinyl label DOBRO which has already had a couple of superb releases.
His latest Iner track see’s him land on fellow Russian label Mango Sounds with a gloriously bonkers slice of Japanese disco. It’s high energy bubble gum energy is properly infectious. This is definitely a track which is destined to crack a thousand dancefloor smiles. It’s also a super tight edit looped up to perfection around the main vocal, packed with some ace breaks to giving momentary respite before jumping straight back in with both feet.
It’s a feel good track through and through and it’s pretty much perfect for a week in which the world has had a huge weight lifted off it’s shoulders 😉
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